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Newsletter: September 2021


Campaign Glossary: Key Terms to Know

When starting a campaign for elected office, there are key concepts and terms to know to navigate the campaign world. This video breaks down a few terms that can help you get started.


Sign Up for Western Regional Leadership Conference

Want to change your community for the better? The solution lies in you – run for public office to make the changes you want to see! The APAICS Western Leadership Academy (RLA) is a two-day leadership training event for AAPI individuals interested in running for public office, current elected officials seeking election or higher office, and anyone interested in working on a campaign.

The Western RLA covers introductory trainings in campaign finance, digital organizing, and more to give participants an idea of what to expect and prepare for in a run for public office. The Western RLA will focus on individuals interested in pursuing elected positions in the Western region of the United States. The Western RLA is held in partnership with the League of California Cities API Caucus.

Apply here.


Happening Tomorrow:

Women's Collective Office Hours

Thinking about running for office but don't know where to start? Our 4th and final installment in our 2021 Women's Collective Office Hours Series will be this week on Thursday, September 16th from 12:00-1:00 PM ET. The APAICS Women's Collective Office Hours provides a space for AANHPI women candidates or AANHPI women considering a run for office to ask campaign experts and elected officials anything.

This session will focus on empowering AANHPI immigrant women to pursue elected office. Joining us for this session will be Dr. Sayu Bhojwani, a civic entrepreneur and democracy futurist who founded Women’s Democracy Lab and New American Leaders, and Johanna Silva Waki, the Vice President for Training and Community Engagement at Emily's List. The Q&A portion of Office Hours is not recorded so that you can openly ask our speakers whatever questions you have about running for public office. Register today and pre-submit your questions using our form.


Happening Next Week:

Register for Blockchain and Cryptocurrency

Join us on September 23 from 11AM-12 PM ET for a webinar on blockchain and cryptocurrency. The blockchain and cryptocurrency industry is building new solutions to tackle financial inequities. Advancements in fintech have moved the needle, but we must transform digital service delivery to the most vulnerable.

Blockchain Association is a member led, member driven organization dedicated to improving the public policy environment for crypto networks. Register for this one hour special with APAICS and Blockchain Association members, Filecoin Foundation, Rally, and Binance.US.


Sign Up Today for the 1st Annual Tech Summit

Registration for the first annual APAICS Tech Summit is open! The APAICS Tech Summit brings together community and corporate leaders, subject matter experts, as well as Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander (AANHPI) elected officials for bipartisan policy discussions that affect the AANHPI community and the nation at-large.

Panel topics can range from AANHPI representation in the upper echelons of the tech industry, the magnified effects of the digital divide, impacts of misinformation and disinformation campaigns, digital skilling initiatives to increase technical literacy in the community, the importance of cybersecurity in a growing digital world and more. Read the panel descriptions and register for the summit using this form.

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