Congressional Fellowship FAQS
FAQs: Congressional Fellowship Application
1. What is the application timeline for the 2023-2024 Fellowship?
The deadline to apply for the fellowship is January 26, 2024 by 11:59pm ET
First round (applications) decisions made by mid-March
Second round (interviews) decisions made by the end of March
Final round (interviews with congressional staffers) decisions made by the end of May
2. How much is the grant and what are the other benefits of the Congressional Fellowship program?
APAICS fellows are awarded a grant of $31,500 to be distributed on a monthly schedule throughout the course of the 9-month fellowship. APAICS will reimburse up to $200 of a health care plan cost following submission of proof of enrollment.
3. When does the 2023-2024 Fellowship begin and when does it end?
The 2023-2024 Fellowship starts on September 03, 2024, and ends on May 30, 2025.
4. Selection Process
The APAICS Fellowship Program is a highly competitive program. Applications are reviewed in a multi-step process by a Selection Committee that includes program alumni, staff, and board members.
Round 1 - Application review: Applications are reviewed individually and scored by the Selection Committee. Applications are scored based on evidence of leadership and leadership potential, including community involvement, commitment to public service, clarity of writing, and ability to challenge self.
Round 2 - Interview: Top candidates receive an invitation to interview with members of the Selection Committee. Interviews are scored based on leadership qualities and experience, professionalism, commitment to public service, and future plans and aspirations.
Round 3 - Finalist Interviews: Top candidates following Round 2 will be designated as finalists by the selection committee. Finalist application packages are forwarded to congressional office partners for interviews and placement.
5. Final Round Interviews & “Finalist” designation
Being a finalist does not guarantee a placement in a host office. Finalists will need to be interviewed by legislative staffers in host offices who review applications. Finalists may receive more than one request for an interview. In the case that one or more offices want to place a finalist in their office, finalists get to make the decision on what office they will be placed in. Additionally, finalists may not get a request for an interview at all. Candidates are only officially designated as an APAICS fellow following acceptance of a placement offer from a congressional office, the submission of all relevant APAICS paperwork, and contingent upon passing a background check.
6. Which office will I be placed in?
APAICS prioritizes placements in the Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus (CAPAC) member offices. Fellows are placed across House and Senate personal offices, in leadership offices, on committees, and in administrative offices. For a full list of alumni and previous placements, please visit our fellowship alumni page here.
7. Recommendation Letters
You will need to submit two (2) letters of recommendation. You may either upload your letter(s) onto the application form OR your recommender(s) may directly submit their letter(s) of recommendation to us via email at with the subject line “APAICS Congressional Fellowship Recommendation Letter for [YOUR NAME].” All letters of recommendation must be submitted by the deadline on January 26 by 11:59pm ET. Letters submitted late by applicants or their recommenders will not be accepted.
8. Is the Fellowship limited to specific political parties?
No. APAICS is a non-partisan organization and encourages applicants interested in serving in both Democrat and Republican offices to apply. Our goal is to provide the best fellowship experience regardless of party affiliation.
9. Can DACA recipients apply?
Yes. Individuals who are seeking consideration under the “Deferred Action for Childhood Arrival” (DACA) policy must possess an Employment Authorization Document at the time of application that is valid throughout the program.
10. Is housing assistance provided?
No. Unfortunately, APAICS does not provide housing assistance for congressional fellows.
11. If I am not accepted, can I apply again in the future?
Yes. We encourage applicants who have not been accepted to do so.
12. Is it possible to defer my placement as a fellow?
No. If you do not participate in the program for the term in which you were admitted, you must submit a new application to reapply for a different term.
13. Additional Questions?
Please email:
Please do not contact the office in regard to your application status. Only qualified candidates will be directly contacted by program supervisors. Due to the high volume of applications we receive, we regret that we are unable to respond to all applicants.