Legislative Leadership Summit

2022 Legislative Leadership Summit Overview
During Asian American & Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Heritage Month, APAICS is pleased to bring back our Legislative Leadership Summit in-person! Over the course of two days, tune in as subject matter experts, AA & NH/PI elected officials, community/corporate leaders, and more discuss various issues affecting our AA & NH/PIs and the nation at large.
Welcome Remarks
Hon. Mazie K. Hirono, U.S. Senator from Hawaii and Legislative Leadership Summit Co-chair
Hon. Ted Lieu, Congressman from California's 33rd Congressional District and Legislative Leadership Summit Co-chair
Hon. Judy Chu, Congresswoman from California's 27th Congressional District & Chair of the Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus
Madalene Xuan-Trang Mielke, President & CEO, APAICS
Glenda Beach, Vice President, State Farm & APAICS Board Member
Coming to America: How Immigration Policies & Reforms Will Impact Our Communities
Immigration is a cornerstone of American society. Unfortunately, an outdated, hostile immigration system has created barriers for immigrants who seek a better life for themselves and their families. How can we counteract the harmful narrative against immigrants? Are there changes to our system that can be made to ensure America is a welcoming country, living up to the ideals that so many risked life and limb to defend?
Moderator - Irene Bueno, Partner, NVG
Kenzi Laceste, Product Manager, FWD.US
Kham Moua, National Policy Director, SEARAC
Jiny Kim, Vice President of Policy and Programs, Advancing Justice | AAJC
Megha Lama, Senior Immigration Organizer, Adihkar
Increasing AA & NH/PI Ranks in the Halls of Congress
Last year, APAICS announced the "Racial Equity Fellowship" with eleven participants in its inaugural class. This program places young people in congressional offices and empowers them to focus on issues of economic opportunity, structural racism and health equity. Working alongside with community-based groups and congressional staff, the Fellows bring a social justice perspective to day-to-day work in these offices. We are excited to feature the Fellows and look forward to hearing about the advocacy and impact they've made on behalf of the AA & NH/PI community.
Madalene Xuan-Trang Mielke, President & CEO, APAICS
Noel Perez, Director, Federal Affairs, General Motors
Access to the Ballot Box for Every AA & NH/PI Individual
AA & NH/PI were part of the deciding voting block in key states like Georgia in 2020. However, in 2021 and 2022, there has been an unprecedented effort to restrict access to voting with initiatives like voter ID and reduced translated materials for ballots. What are organizations doing to ensure that AA & NH/PI voters have equal access to the voting booth and to ensure every American, regardless of race, can exercise their right to vote?
Moderator - Gregg Orton, Executive Director, NCAPA
Niyati Shah, Director of Litigation, Advancing Justice | AAJC
Christine Chen, President and Executive Director, APIAVote
Jerry Vattamala, Director, Democracy Program, AALDEF
Achieving Diverse Representation: The New Faces of Asian American Leadership
The 2021 local elections saw big cities electing Asian American leaders. These Mayors are as diverse as the cities they represent: coming from different backgrounds and bringing unique skills to the job. But they do share one thing in common: they are a new face of their hometowns. Their stories are our stories – APAICS is honored to welcome Mayor Harrell and Mayor Pureval.
Moderator - Dylan Wells, USA Today, Congress, Campaigns, and Politics Reporter
Hon. Bruce Harrell, Mayor, City of Seattle
Hon. Aftab Pureval, Mayor, City of Cincinnati
Courage to Lead: A Discussion with Connecticut Attorney General William Tong
Connecticut Attorney General William Tong is amongst a handful of statewide elected leaders in the United States. As the first Asian American to be elected statewide after serving in the Connecticut General Assembly as Chair of the Judiciary Committee and his priority to address national issues such as the opioid crisis and consumer protection.
Moderator - Katie Phang, MSNBC, Anchor & Host
Hon. William Tong, Attorney General, State of Connecticut
Together for Our Planet: What We Are Doing Now to Preserve a Livable Climate
Wildfires, heatwaves, and rising sea levels have a devastating impact on all communities – particularly underserved communities. It is clear these threats require new solutions to our everyday lives. What can we do to help address our changing world? How do these changes affect AA & NH/PIs? We look to experts and industry to help make sense of our evolving world.
Moderator - Rachel Ramirez, Climate Reporter, CNN
Angela Manso, National Outreach Director, Center for Policy Advocacy, NRDC
Jayant Kairam, Director of Government and Public Affairs, Walmart
The Hon. Kesha Ram Hinsdale, Senator, State of Vermont
Oliver Campbell, Director and Distinguished Engineer, Dell
Violet Wulf-Saena, Founder & Executive Director, Climate Resilent Communities
From College to CEO: Adopting a DEI Growth Mindset
Statistics show that a culturally diverse workforce generates new perspectives, ideas, and ultimately returns. Hear from companies embracing the challenge to diversify their workforce across all levels and how that has impacted their success.
Moderator - Judi Rhee Alloway, NAAAP
Christine Cadena, Vice President, DEI Market, The Walt Disney Company
Cathy Council, Vice President, DE&I Center for Awareness and Advocacy, NY Life
Sarah Abiusi, Managing Director, Accenture Federal Services
How the Pandemic Changed the Way We Think About Healthcare
COVID-19 disrupted many aspects of our day-to-day lives. For the health industry, it forced shifts in products and services for those in need of care. Hear from health industry leaders about how they are ensuring their treatments are reaching AA & NH/PI communities and what initiatives are underway to promote greater health in our community.
Moderator - Juliet K. Choi, President & CEO, Asian & Pacific Islander American Health Forum
Meha Chiraya, Global Director for Diversity, Inclusion, and Belonging, Amgen
Charley John, Director, Healthcare Policy & Strategy, Walgreens
John Kung, Head of Legal, U.S. Oncology, Novartis
Taunu’u Ve’e, Co-Chair, Regional Pacific Islander Task Force
How the Pandemic Changed the Way We Think About Healthcare
The AA & NH/PI community often is looked upon with increased suspicion by both the government and general public. We have seen racist attacks on the AA & NH/PI community during the COVID-19 pandemic fueled by misinformation and stereotypes. Additionally, the growing tensions in US-China relations has placed Chinese Americans under suspicion, recalling the WWII experience of Japanese internment camps. How does the AA & NH/PI community protect itself and guard against these attacks? What legal and cultural shifts need to occur—how do they intersect?
Moderator - Vikrum Aiyer, Deputy Director, ACLU
Vanessa Chen, Special Assistant to the President for Criminal Justice and Guns Policy
Cynthia Choi, Co-Executive Director, Chinese for Affirmative Action | Co-Founder, Stop AAPI Hate
Gisela Perez Kusakawa, Assistant Director, Anti-Racial Profiling Project, Advancing Justice | AAJC
Jessica Lee, Senior Research Fellow, The Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft
Veterans Leading the Way
Over the last few years, corporate America has prioritized the recruitment, hiring and training of Veterans. Organizations have seen the value and skills Veterans bring to the table. Hear from companies who employ and serve Veterans, and the unique opportunities and dynamic impact Veterans bring to the business community.
Moderator - Maj. General Sharon Dunbar, USAF (Ret.), Vice President, General Dynamics
Jennifer Rasing, Head of Pan Asian Network (PAN) People & Business Resource Group, Bristol Myers Squibb
Won Palisoul, Chair of Veterans Roundtable, CFA Society New York
Lourdes Tiglao, Director, VA Center for Women Veterans, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
Ensuring Connectivity: Society's Commitment to Keep Educating in Uncertain Times
Over the last few years, corporate America has prioritized the recruitment, hiring and training of Veterans. Organizations have seen the value and skills Veterans bring to the table. Hear from companies who employ and serve Veterans, and the unique opportunities and dynamic impact Veterans bring to the business community.
Moderator - Maj. General Sharon Dunbar, USAF (Ret.), Vice President, General Dynamics
Jennifer Rasing, Head of Pan Asian Network (PAN) People & Business Resource Group, Bristol Myers Squibb
Won Palisoul, Chair of Veterans Roundtable, CFA Society New York
Lourdes Tiglao, Director, VA Center for Women Veterans, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
Elder Care in the 21st Century: An Evolving Landscape
Whether its technological advancements, development of new therapeutics, or the growth of food & delivery services, there are more options than ever toward care for our nation's elders. Those entering retirement have opportunities to live longer, more vibrant lives. How are companies supporting the elders of our community as they transition and live in their retirement?
Moderator - Richard Lui, Anchor, MSNBC
Daphne Kwok, Vice President, Diversity Equity & Inclusion, Asian American & Pacific Islander Audience Strategy, AARP
David L. Kim, President & CEO, National Asian Pacific Center on Aging
An Urban Renaissance: The Evolution of Cities
The urban landscape has dramatically changed over the last decade. The growth of cities has stretched existing infrastructure, including transportation, housing and public spaces. Elected officials and business leaders have had to work to meet these demands with innovative policies and investments. Hear from leaders on how they are finding ways to build cities for the future through integrated, interconnected solutions.
Moderator - David Kim, Senior Vice President and Principal, WSP USA
Mariah Sheriff Ray, Head of Strategic Partnerships & Innovation Policy, DoorDash
Tanya Skilton, Head of Procurement and Supply Chain, BrightDrop
Impact Investing & Innovation: Achieving Change Through Enterprise
Impact investing aims to generate positive, measurable social or environmental results through financial asset allocation decisions. Social innovators are driving change in Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), Environment, Social, Governance (ESG), and Socially Responsible Investing (SRI). Join us for a conversation with corporate and non-profit innovators who are striving to make tangible policy changes to address the world's biggest challenges.
Moderator - Sonal Shah, Executive Vice President, United Way
Audrey Choi, Senior Advisor, Morgan Stanley
Saumya Narechania, Program Director, National Basketball Social Justice Coalition
Legislative Leadership Summit Speakers



Look at our 2021 Virtual Legislative Leadership Summit
Allyship: The Key to Unlocking the Power of Diversity
America’s Digital Divide and Lack of Access
Immigration: AAPIs are the Fastest Growing Immigrant Group
Civil Rights Movement: What the AAPI Community Faces Today
COVID and its Economic Impact
The Tech Industry: “Leaky Pipeline”
Not All About Glamour: AAPIs Working in Hollywood
Realizing the Power of Representation: AAPI Elected Officials